Meet Korla!

I'd like to introduce you to a fab new online textile brand Korla. I don't know about you, but I'm loving the current fashion for bold colours and patterns. If you're a regular reader, you'll already know that my design style is all about creating a soft neutral backdrop in a room; pastel colours or soft greys for the walls, natural wood for the floor combined with classic and stylish furniture.

When it comes to the accessories I like to have a bit more fun! Stripes, cubic patterns, chevrons and colour - soft furnishings are the way to personalise your space. The best bit about cushions is that they are relatively inexpensive, so you can collect as many as you like and even rotate them throughout the year to create a different mood...this new range is really tempting me to have yet another cushion update at home.



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{Images via Korla}

BM Wedding: Setting The Scene


Untamed Passion from Eightmood